So the Christmas quilt for Colton didn't get done on time, it got very, very close before realizing that I had made some MAJOR puckers & gave up on Christmas Eve Day and allowed myself to let it go & focus on the kids, the house and the cookies ... oh yummy, yummy cookies.The story itself of how it got so prolonged is very long & detailed, full of lost pins, not enough quilting pins & a knight in shining armor going to Wal-Mart at 6 am to buy EVEN more quilting pins on the 23rd & surprising his oh so happy wife with them when she woke up (because let's be honest ... 4 kids, the 23rd of December & Wal-Mart??? Yeah, I'd rather poke my eyes out then go there) ... and in the 11th hour of her attempt, she was too tired, sewed the backing together (in TWO different spots!!!) and left a 3 inch pucker that could NOT be ignored ... tragedy that amounts to a winter blockbuster I'm sure. ;)
(The kids left celery sticks for Santa, because they were SURE that he would have a tummy ache with all the cookies the other kids leave him ... lol.)
So, I've spent the last few days slowly un-picking the back, playing on the new Wii with the kids (that Grandma & Grandpa sent ... yeah!) and slowly cleaning up the BOMB that seems to have exploded in our house as a result of it all. And despite my Christmas quilt failure ... wouldn't you know ... Christmas was still a hit. :)
(Colton loving the spiderman costume & other dress up clothes from his Great-Grandparents)
Happy New Years everybody! My goals are to start less projects, finish more unfinished projects (which my husband would love) and to enjoy my family time more.
So, I've spent the last few days slowly un-picking the back, playing on the new Wii with the kids (that Grandma & Grandpa sent ... yeah!) and slowly cleaning up the BOMB that seems to have exploded in our house as a result of it all. And despite my Christmas quilt failure ... wouldn't you know ... Christmas was still a hit. :)
(Colton loving the spiderman costume & other dress up clothes from his Great-Grandparents)
So here's the 25% of the way quilted blanket (sorry for the HORRIBLE lighting ... we are having major snow/cloud storms here today) ...
I'm not sure I love it still, but I have never, never, never spent so much time working on a quilt before & that makes it special. Colton keeps telling me it's broken (because of the quilting pins & the fact that the stuffing is falling out on the sides). But I'm going to work on the quilting more today & tomorrow and let him keep it on his bed until someone MAKES me put it away ... because I can. :)
Happy New Years everybody! My goals are to start less projects, finish more unfinished projects (which my husband would love) and to enjoy my family time more.