So it's been a LONG time since I posted a Thrifty Thursday, mainly because ... well ... I haven't been shopping at all lately, just cutting out craft fair things. But! This needed to be shared. :) Back in June or July we went up to Salt Lake City for a wedding reception of my husband's friend. I was able to twist my husband's arm and he FINALLY agreed to let me go thrift shopping up there! I was soooo glad we did too! Last year I put garland around the front door and some plastic balls ...
but I really felt like it needed more balls and better garland. Well, I didn't get the better garland (yet), but I did score these two HUGE bags of balls just like I had been collecting!
Some of those balls were $3 on their own, but the two bags were only $2 on their own! LOVE IT! Now the garland looks so much better! :)

I imagine your hubby has lots of friends, but I secretly hope it was Brandon--I would love to be a small part of the reason your door looks so awesome! (a REALLY small part. . . lol.)