I wish I could say the valentine's day shirts were my own original thought, but they weren't. I found this etsy store & loved her designs! But, with four shirts needed, it was way beyond my budget. So I tried my best to come up with my own graphics to make it. I really liked her's better. Maybe it's because of the wonderful finished edges she had, and the way that the black made the colors pop!
Anyways, I found shirts for $1.50 on clearance at Target, and so that's what I used. And fabric from my own stash ... so $6 for four shirts was feasible. Colton loves his, and wouldn't take it off ... but also has become camera shy & ran away from me every time I tried to take a picture of him in it. LOL.
I had seen a similar design on a blog somewhere for Savannah's shirt, but I can't find it now. I used the target modern elephant as a template, and then a single heart. I wish I had used a different color thread so you could see all the little details I sewed into it ... but eh. It's done ... project one complete!
Now I've cut the fabric for the apron and plan on using this tutorial as a guide to finish it. I wanted to use the blue fabric as the bottom trim, but cut into it too much for a "7" for Hunter's birthday ... so I'm going to find some pocket tutorial and make them instead. :)